
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My Pastel Art

Walt: Blending and shading using oil pastel media. Last week in our class everyone had to do a pastel art. We watched a video that was put into our workspace on how to do something that is similar to mine (it’s way better though). After we watched it we had to do something similar with any coloured pastel. I got this container thing that held the glitter and traced the bottom of it with my pencil to make the moon. Then I got the light blue pastel and coloured in the bottom of it. I did the same with the dark blue but in the middle and then the same with the black but the top. Next we had to get a tissue and sort of blend the colours together (which didn’t really work on mine). On the video the guy drew a little silhouette person sitting on the end of something staring up into the sky. Most people did that or they drew trees. I then got a white pastel and black pastel and coloured in the moon a little bit. This art was sort of fun. If I got to do this again I would maybe try blend the colours in a bit more. Have you ever had to do pastel art and if so what was it?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Be Internet Awesome!

WALT: Tell the difference between fake and real emails and ie fishing.
Today for cybersmart we had to tell the difference between fake and real emails. We had to make sure the URL matched the title, if there was any pop-ups, if the URL starts with https:// and had a green lock before it and what was in the fine print. Whaea Donna told us we could work in partners so Kyra and I did (I did most of the work). This activity was actually pretty fun and easy. Now we know what to look for to make sure what we are reading is real and not fake. In one of the photos we were looking at to tell if it was fake or real we could tell it was fake because it said Internaut News. There were slides that had the email or website and there was slides that we had to tell why we thought it was real or fake. One thing Kyra and I could of done was maybe made our sentences a bit longer because they were short. Have you ever come across a scam?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

M.C Escher Tessellation Art

WALT: Create a tessellation in the style of M.C Escher.

This is my tessellation art in the style of M.C Escher. It took me awhile to finish this art because I added small details to colour in. You can't really see it that well in the photo but let me just say it isn't that good. How I made it: 
1. I had to watch this video -->  How to make a tessellation
2.I got a small piece of this purple/pink card and cut out two bits (which in my photo looks like the head of that fish thingy and the wave looking thing).
3: I put the little pieces I cut out above the one that it looks like and taped it.
4: I got a big piece of paper and basically used my card as a stencil.
5: Once I finished going around the paper I added details and coloured it in.
Something I could have done was not scribbled because my art looks very messy. Have you ever heard of M.C Escher?

Monday, August 19, 2019

My Abstract Charcoal Drawing

Image result for abstract charcoal flower         WALT: Find an artists style or an image you like and copy it.This term in Totara class we have been doing different types of art but this is one of them. This is my abstract charcoal drawing. This was before it got smudged by someone. The artists name was Melinda (there was no last name). Let's just say mine is nowhere near as good as Melinda's artwork. The left one is mine obviously and the right one is Melinda'sHow I made this art: The first thing I did was searched up abstract charcoal flower and picked one I liked which looks similar to mine. Secondly I got my pencil and started copying it onto my paper. Thirdly I got the charcoal and did the outlines. I also smudged some of the charcoal around the flower. Then I had to take a photo of it and then blog it.A thing I could have done was not rushed because that made my art look messy. Another thing I could have done was smudged the outside a bit better so it looks like the real one. Have you ever had to do a piece of art with charcoal?                       

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Camera Shots/angles

  WALT: To take different camera shots and explain what the purpose of the shots are.

 This is mine and Kyra's slideshow on Camera Shots/Angels. Whaea Donna who is our cybersmart teacher came in today and was telling us about the slideshow before we took the photos. Once she finished we had to find a partner and go outside. We had to have 2 photos for the same thing. For example, we had to take 2 close up photos of each other. The shots and angles we had to do were close up, wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder shot, worms eye view, birds eye view and panning. We couldn't do the panning one with our Chromebooks so Kyra just wrote what the purpose is. Our photos aren't the best but we still took them. One thing we could have done was taken the photo's better because the lighting wasn't good and we needed to use more emotions in our photos.  Have you ever had to take photos using those shots and angles?

Monday, August 5, 2019

Jim Dine Charcoal Tool Art

                                             Walt: Draw a tool in the style of Jim Dine.

This is my piece of art that is in the style of Jim Dine. Jim Dine is an artist that does lots of charcoal drawings. Mine is nowhere as good his art.
1: The first thing I had to do was get a piece of paper, a bit of charcoal and a tool or object. (I chose scissors)
2: Secondly I had to trace the scissors on the paper.
3: Thirdly I had to get my piece of charcoal and go over my scissors drawing with it.
4: After that I had to sort of scribble around the outside of the scissors with the charcoal.
5: Lastly I smudged it around.

One thing I could have done was made the outside of my scissors a bit darker. I also could have smudged it a bit better. The challenging part about this piece of art was that the scissors kept moving and it took me a while to do the outlines. Next time I do something like this I will make the outside darker.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Planning a screencastify

WALT: Plan a screencastify on how to attribute an image, how to get an image of explore and the difference between the two.
Next time I make a screencastify I think I should make sure no one else is talking around me because then it makes it harder for people to hear me.

These are the steps on how to do everything:
How to attribute an image:
1: To attribute an image off google you need to search up something in the search
engine and press enter.
2: Once you have done that there should be a box at the top that says “tools”. 
3:You then click on that and there will be a drop down box that says “usage rights”
4: Press “labelled for reuse”. Click on that and the images that you can reuse will be there. 
5:  Once you have done all of that find the image you want and on the side there will be a box that says
“visit”. If you click on it, it will take you to the site that has the author name, source and license.

How to get an image off explore:
1: To get an image of explore you need first need to find the little icon on the bottom right hand corner.
It is a little box with diamond looking thing inside of it.
2: Next you click on the box and search up something. For example I have searched “Emerald Lakes,
New Zealand”. 
3: Images that you can use will then pop up.
4: If you hover over the image there will be a little plus sign at the box
5: Click on the plus sign and the image you want will be on your page.

The difference between the two:
The difference between the two is that to get one off google images you have to
attribute it but if your getting one off explore you just have to click the button and it will come
up on your page. Using explore is way easier.

Monday, July 1, 2019

My Gabriel Moreno Art!

 WALT: Create an image in the style of Gabriel Moreno.

This is my Gabriel Moreno Art from the start of this term. The key features of this art we texture, light, dark and patterns. Before everyone in my class did Gabriel Moreno art we had to practice doing zentangle art so we could put some of it in our Gabriel Moreno art.
How I made this:
1: Mr Pickard had to take a photo of the side of my face.
2: I had to get the photo and a piece of paper.
3: I then had to go to a window with my photo and paper and trace my face onto the paper.
4: After that I started to draw zentangle patterns or any patters onto my face and around it.
5: I got a black pen and went around it and then finally I was done.
After lunch our teacher Mr Pickard would read a book to us for a couple of minutes while we would do our Gabriel Moreno art. I enjoyed doing this art alot but one thing I could have done was maybe made it a bit more dark and done some more interesting patterns. Have you ever seen Gabriel Moreno art or at least made your own piece of art in the style of it?

This is one of Gabriel Moreno's pieces of art that my teacher showed us to give us an idea on what to do. It has patterns on it and also it is Light and Dark in places. What do you think of his art?

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rugby League on Wednesdays!

WALT: Revise and create a Quality Blog Post about rugby league.
This term my class and some other classes do rugby league every Wednesday. These are two photos of some people in Totara class (my class) doing rugby league. The first couple of weeks we did rugby league training but last week and this week we did a game. The first game was on the field and it was tackle but since we're not allowed on the field today we played on the court but it had to be touch.
I always tell people not to throw the ball to me because then i'm just gonna throw it to whoever. Whenever people throw the ball to me I freeze and then take a few steps forward and then throw the ball to someone. We have two people that come in and teach us how to play. The man's name is Jim and I don't know the lady's name. When there was no music gear (which is for production) in the hall they taught us some ball skills. One of the drills I remember was when we had to pass the ball under and over. The lady got us into groups of 6 and we had to pass the ball over then under and the once the person at the front  passed the ball under or over had to run to the end and wait for everyone to pass and then it keeps going. One time we were playing on the field and the teams swapped sides and I forgot then someone passed the ball to me and I accidentally got a try for the other team. I got so embarrassed but I was laughing because it was sort of funny. In Term 3 there is going to be a tournament where we have to verse other schools in rugby league. I enjoyed doing the ball skills but not so much the actual games.I think I need to actually start running when someone passes me the ball. If it was netball I would definitely be trying to get the ball.
Have you ever played Rugby League before?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Floating Dog!

WALT: Understand why we are writing.  This is my writing that is about an evil witch who makes dogs float high into the sky until her good sister stops her and make her fly. We could write anything we wanted such as Narratives, Letters, Poems and also a piece of persuasive writing. We had to make sure our spelling and punctuation was correct and that our writing made sense. We needed to understand why we are writing so we can see if our writing is to entertain people or persuade people etc. One thing I could have done was made my writing a bit more interesting and made it be more intense. What is your favourite things to write about?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My still life drawings!

Visual art: WALT use proportion and accurate outline.
This term in Totara Class we have been doing still life drawings for our art. To make the hammer drawing I: 1: Searched up tools on the internet and selected the hammer photo. 2: Made the lines so my proportions are correct. 3: I then looked at the hammer on google and copied the outline of it. 4: Lastly I did the shading of the hammer. I did the same thing with the spoon but I actually used a real spoon. My drawings aren't that good but I just need to keep practising.  One thing I could have done was shaded my drawings a bit better and made it look a bit more real. 
What do you think is the easiest thing
 to draw for still life?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Example of a screencastify

Walt: Create an example of a screencastify. 

This is a quick example of a screen castify. Screen castify is a app sort of thing which you can download and record your screen. We had to do a screen castify of our black and white photo that we used for our Gabriel Moreno art.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Should adults be able to hit their kids?

Did you know that 30 years ago it was legal to abuse your children?
Luckily that stopped. I believe that kids shouldn’t be hit.
My first reason is because you could seriously hurt your child,
the second reason is because your child may get taken away
from you and my third reason is that people that hit their kids
could go to jail.

I strongly believe that kids should definitely not get hurt by
their parents. Every year about 1600 children die due to abuse or
neglect. Children could die if they were kicked, smacked or punched
in the head to many times because they could get brain damage.
Some kids can’t go to school because they have bruises and
marks all over them. Once the kids have been beaten more then once
from their parents they start to lose trust in them
and they also start getting scared of them.

My second reason is because your
child could get taken off you and
given to a random family or someone from your own family
that can properly take care of them. There are company’s that your kid or a
neighbour could call. If you’ve beaten your kid/s they
could give your child to a different family until you’re ready
to properly take care of her/him.

Lastly you could go to jail. If you have really badly
hurt your child or somebody else’s you would or
might be in serious trouble.
There was once a small baby named Nia Glassie
who got tortured by about 3 people.
The baby got beaten, put in the washing machine,
hung on the clothes horse, put in the sandpit
with no clothes on and some days
they would leave her on the roof. The people that abused her turned
up their music very loud so they neighbours couldn’t
hear her screams and cries.
They eventually went to jail because the baby
had passed away.
I don’t know how anyone could ever do that to
a baby or any aged child.
Therefore I think adults should never be able to hit their children.

I have talked about why people shouldn’t hit kids.
My 3 reasons were because your child could get seriously hurt,
also because you could get her or
him taken off you and lastly because you could go to jail.

WALT: Use the correct structure for our argument writing. This is a example of a explanation writing. The topic was Should adults be able to hit their kids. I think kid's shouldn't get hit by adults. We had to think of an introduction, 3 reasons and a conlcusion. We then had to write it into our books then our google docs.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Digital Footprint

WALT: Learn how to navigate my device and Google apps helps me to do things faster. I enjoyed reading the shortcuts and putting them into the slideshow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Animation about the hike

Walt: Create an animation about the hike at Mahinepua/Mahineapua or something else. By doing this animation I learnt how to add an image with no backround. So in mine I just searched up stick man png. The reason we did this animation was to learn how to use google slides and to do something fun. I collaborated with Kyra, she helped me with finding some of my pictures.This animation helped my learning because I found a new way to get photos instead of opening a new tab,finding a picture and saving it. How I made this: I went on to google slides and found a background of a hill. After that I then clicked on search the web and found a few stick people. I then moved the stick men around the hill and added some speech and some of my bits of my writing from my original writing. We did our animation with Whaea Donna which is our Cyber Smart teacher. Whaea Donna is a Manaiakalani Facilitator. She teaches us alot of new things every Thursday and t I enjoyed making this animation and moving the people around to make it look like they are actually walking.Something I could have done was made it more interesting and made it funnier. If anyone has any more ideas for my animation comment them please.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What you can and cannot share online

Walt: Create an info graphic of what you can and cannot share online. We used google drawing to create a info graphic. I enjoyed making this info graphic and finding the pictures. If anyone has some more ideas for my info graphic comment them.