
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

M.C Escher Tessellation Art

WALT: Create a tessellation in the style of M.C Escher.

This is my tessellation art in the style of M.C Escher. It took me awhile to finish this art because I added small details to colour in. You can't really see it that well in the photo but let me just say it isn't that good. How I made it: 
1. I had to watch this video -->  How to make a tessellation
2.I got a small piece of this purple/pink card and cut out two bits (which in my photo looks like the head of that fish thingy and the wave looking thing).
3: I put the little pieces I cut out above the one that it looks like and taped it.
4: I got a big piece of paper and basically used my card as a stencil.
5: Once I finished going around the paper I added details and coloured it in.
Something I could have done was not scribbled because my art looks very messy. Have you ever heard of M.C Escher?

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