
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rugby League on Wednesdays!

WALT: Revise and create a Quality Blog Post about rugby league.
This term my class and some other classes do rugby league every Wednesday. These are two photos of some people in Totara class (my class) doing rugby league. The first couple of weeks we did rugby league training but last week and this week we did a game. The first game was on the field and it was tackle but since we're not allowed on the field today we played on the court but it had to be touch.
I always tell people not to throw the ball to me because then i'm just gonna throw it to whoever. Whenever people throw the ball to me I freeze and then take a few steps forward and then throw the ball to someone. We have two people that come in and teach us how to play. The man's name is Jim and I don't know the lady's name. When there was no music gear (which is for production) in the hall they taught us some ball skills. One of the drills I remember was when we had to pass the ball under and over. The lady got us into groups of 6 and we had to pass the ball over then under and the once the person at the front  passed the ball under or over had to run to the end and wait for everyone to pass and then it keeps going. One time we were playing on the field and the teams swapped sides and I forgot then someone passed the ball to me and I accidentally got a try for the other team. I got so embarrassed but I was laughing because it was sort of funny. In Term 3 there is going to be a tournament where we have to verse other schools in rugby league. I enjoyed doing the ball skills but not so much the actual games.I think I need to actually start running when someone passes me the ball. If it was netball I would definitely be trying to get the ball.
Have you ever played Rugby League before?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Floating Dog!

WALT: Understand why we are writing.  This is my writing that is about an evil witch who makes dogs float high into the sky until her good sister stops her and make her fly. We could write anything we wanted such as Narratives, Letters, Poems and also a piece of persuasive writing. We had to make sure our spelling and punctuation was correct and that our writing made sense. We needed to understand why we are writing so we can see if our writing is to entertain people or persuade people etc. One thing I could have done was made my writing a bit more interesting and made it be more intense. What is your favourite things to write about?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My still life drawings!

Visual art: WALT use proportion and accurate outline.
This term in Totara Class we have been doing still life drawings for our art. To make the hammer drawing I: 1: Searched up tools on the internet and selected the hammer photo. 2: Made the lines so my proportions are correct. 3: I then looked at the hammer on google and copied the outline of it. 4: Lastly I did the shading of the hammer. I did the same thing with the spoon but I actually used a real spoon. My drawings aren't that good but I just need to keep practising.  One thing I could have done was shaded my drawings a bit better and made it look a bit more real. 
What do you think is the easiest thing
 to draw for still life?