
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Be Internet Awesome!

WALT: Tell the difference between fake and real emails and ie fishing.
Today for cybersmart we had to tell the difference between fake and real emails. We had to make sure the URL matched the title, if there was any pop-ups, if the URL starts with https:// and had a green lock before it and what was in the fine print. Whaea Donna told us we could work in partners so Kyra and I did (I did most of the work). This activity was actually pretty fun and easy. Now we know what to look for to make sure what we are reading is real and not fake. In one of the photos we were looking at to tell if it was fake or real we could tell it was fake because it said Internaut News. There were slides that had the email or website and there was slides that we had to tell why we thought it was real or fake. One thing Kyra and I could of done was maybe made our sentences a bit longer because they were short. Have you ever come across a scam?