
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Example of a screencastify

Walt: Create an example of a screencastify. 

This is a quick example of a screen castify. Screen castify is a app sort of thing which you can download and record your screen. We had to do a screen castify of our black and white photo that we used for our Gabriel Moreno art.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Should adults be able to hit their kids?

Did you know that 30 years ago it was legal to abuse your children?
Luckily that stopped. I believe that kids shouldn’t be hit.
My first reason is because you could seriously hurt your child,
the second reason is because your child may get taken away
from you and my third reason is that people that hit their kids
could go to jail.

I strongly believe that kids should definitely not get hurt by
their parents. Every year about 1600 children die due to abuse or
neglect. Children could die if they were kicked, smacked or punched
in the head to many times because they could get brain damage.
Some kids can’t go to school because they have bruises and
marks all over them. Once the kids have been beaten more then once
from their parents they start to lose trust in them
and they also start getting scared of them.

My second reason is because your
child could get taken off you and
given to a random family or someone from your own family
that can properly take care of them. There are company’s that your kid or a
neighbour could call. If you’ve beaten your kid/s they
could give your child to a different family until you’re ready
to properly take care of her/him.

Lastly you could go to jail. If you have really badly
hurt your child or somebody else’s you would or
might be in serious trouble.
There was once a small baby named Nia Glassie
who got tortured by about 3 people.
The baby got beaten, put in the washing machine,
hung on the clothes horse, put in the sandpit
with no clothes on and some days
they would leave her on the roof. The people that abused her turned
up their music very loud so they neighbours couldn’t
hear her screams and cries.
They eventually went to jail because the baby
had passed away.
I don’t know how anyone could ever do that to
a baby or any aged child.
Therefore I think adults should never be able to hit their children.

I have talked about why people shouldn’t hit kids.
My 3 reasons were because your child could get seriously hurt,
also because you could get her or
him taken off you and lastly because you could go to jail.

WALT: Use the correct structure for our argument writing. This is a example of a explanation writing. The topic was Should adults be able to hit their kids. I think kid's shouldn't get hit by adults. We had to think of an introduction, 3 reasons and a conlcusion. We then had to write it into our books then our google docs.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Digital Footprint

WALT: Learn how to navigate my device and Google apps helps me to do things faster. I enjoyed reading the shortcuts and putting them into the slideshow.